Rebeca Eigen
Astrological Marriage
& Relationship FIXER
281.799. 2900
CONSULTATIONS available for individuals, couples, parent/child, friends — any relationship that you are trying to understand.
Self-knowledge Liberates You from Endless Patterns
Shadow Work Can Heal Years of Relationship Struggles
Knowing your Astrology is invaluable for self-awareness, self acceptance and self-compassion. This Webinar and/or In-Person Workshop explains the major reason for repeating patterns in all our relationships — not just romantic ones!
MARCH 31, 6:30-8:00 PM CST
IN-PERSON (SW Houston) begins WEDNESDAY, April 2nd.
“I can show you how to do your 7th House energies (archetypes = planets) and your Venus aspects TOGETHER!” — Re
Puer and Senex: Two Archetypes Currently Playing Themselves Out in My Indigo Sun Magazine March 2025 issue, pg 8

“Are we compatible?”
My consultations take you into your unconscious to empower you and bring forth your Gold.
YOUR unique birth chart (based on accurate time, date and place) shows that what is inside will show up in your outer world experiences as if by coincidence but it is actually synchronicity. Whatever sign (archetype) is on the 7th-house cusp also called the descendent, whatever planets reside therein are a detailed picture of what you will develop in this lifetime with or without your intention or consent.
So you might as well learn about this part of you and make a decision to develop it because you can then experience the more productive aspects of that particular energy.
The Cross of Life

That's why
I call it a DANCE. We can't do it alone.

- T E S T I M O N I A L S -
“I can’t tell you in words how you have helped me understand the me I am becoming. You are a true guide for a journey that most don’t even realize they are on and they are otherwise missing all the “sights.” You show the way.”
— Jeff Riley, Houston, Texas
“Thank you for introducing me to shadow work several years ago. I don’t know where I would be right now if it were not for meeting you during that crazy time in my life.”
— Michelle Rothrock, Bossier City, LA

Your Shadow is directly behind your Persona, so it’s the first step into your own unconscious.
- T E S T I M O N I A L -
Working with Rebeca has been so insightful. She has a loving and non-judgmental way of shining a light on your shadows that bring instant enlightenment and healing. I have found her insights especially uplifting in my personal relationships and consult with her a few times a year to stay on track with my planetary transits.
—Amy Durham, Clovis, California