The Dream Journal: Source Of Soulful Creativity
Victoria Rabinowe
Find a new source of creativity in your dreams - Connect with the immense wisdom of your nighttime visions with creative journal-keeping practices. Victoria Rabinowe shows you how to develop an ongoing conversation with your inner life through incorporating collage and other expressive techniques into your dreamwork. With magazine clippings and sketches you can build a dream-journal ship to bring back gems, animals and fragrances from the realm of dreams. Sign on to this voyage if you seek a creative adventure. No artistic skill is needed! All you need is the urge to express what wants to come through you. Every remembered dream image is a starting point. You’re ready to go! To read more ...
Tuition Fee $97.00
Introduction to Dreams - Margaret Bowater
Learn about why we dream and how to open the many gifts dreams bring us. In this introduction course, Margaret Bowater, starts with the basics about the sleep cycle. She discusses the wide range of dreams we can have: some dreams seem to be about balancing our personality while other dreams can be telepathic, visionary or even visitations. If you don’t know anything about dreams yet, you will learn in this course how you can enrich and untangle your daytime life with the help of dreams that speak specifically to you and your situation.
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Tuition Fee $47.00
Tending the Dream Image - Stephen Aizenstat
Learn about why we dream and how to open the many gifts dreams bring us. In this introduction course, Margaret Bowater, starts with the basics about the sleep cycle. She discusses the wide range of dreams we can have: some dreams seem to be about balancing our personality while other dreams can be telepathic, visionary or even visitations. If you don’t know anything about dreams yet, you will learn in this course how you can enrich and untangle your daytime life with the help of dreams that speak specifically to you and your situation.
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Tuition Fee Reg. $147.00
Lucid Dreaming - Robert Waggoner
This talk covers the relationship we have to death and how dreams can bring true aliveness. Monika Wikman, who, as a young adult, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, shares with us her awakening and healing experience. “The courage to live is not a given,” says Dr. Wikman, “but the gloriousness often happens to us in the depth of darkness.”
This conversation was first presented at the Jung Platform Dream Summit in January 2021.
Dreams for Death and Living - Monika Wikman
Lucid dreaming is the ability to become consciously aware that you are dreaming while you are in the dream state. This wonderful lecture shows the possibilities available for great adventure and exploration in the world of Dream and beyond. Robert Waggoner has practiced lucid dreaming for more than 30 years. He shares techniques for becoming lucid in dreams, and offers some experiments for the dream state which can help you to expand your awareness. To read more ...
How to Work with Dreams in Your Clinical Practice
Leslie Ellis
When a client brings you a dream, how do you help them to understand it? Dreams have exceptional healing and diagnostic potential. They point to what matters most to our clients, and when we attend to them in sessions, it deepens and accelerates the process of psychotherapy. In this course you will learn an engaging, experiential way to talk about dreams with your clients. We will also look at the clinical benefits to dreamwork, and how the current science of dreaming supports its use.
Join James Hollis in this 7-class course on Jungian psychology—concepts including synchronicities, dreamwork, and archetypes. If you are interested in delving into Jung’s work, this is the ideal course.
Jung believed that working with the shadow is “the path of the heart warrior” i.e. shadow work is an invitation to integrate and individuate. James Hollis unveils the theories on the shadow self by looking at its destructive nature and its healing potential including tools that can help us with our own shadow in this popular course.
Did you know that by using active imagination, you can deepen your connection with your soul? Susan M. Tiberghien guides us in this six-class course on embracing and practicing active imagination and befriending our soul. She also explores Jung’s The Red Book and teaches how to maintain a red book of our own.
Jung’s synchronicity has fascinated theorists, thinkers, and seekers from different traditions. As one of Jung’s most significant contributions to psychology, understanding synchronicity is the key to find meaning in events happening around us. Join Ken James in this course to find recurring patterns in your life and what they have been longing to tell you.
Have you ever desired to experience more vitality and wonder in life? Jung has an answer for you—alchemy. In this lecture, Robert Bosnak introduces alchemical psychology and how it can enrich our access to different forms of intelligence inhabiting the dream world.
Let’s dive into the unconscious and become acquainted with its primary language—the language of symbols and archetypes—with master teacher James Hollis. Understanding anima and animus is the first step in understanding masculine and feminine aspects, love (and relationships), and the shadow. This course will also help you appreciate mythological stories and folklore as expressions of the psychological dynamic.