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If you are curious about your karma in past lifes or you want to know why do you say that about me? The Merlin report will give you the reason for each paragraph. For instance, Sun square Mars or Mars opposite Saturn ... these are your aspects and each one of these make you completely unique. The Edgar Cayce report describes you as he would with your past lifes that he had access to in his day. Buying reports about yourself gives you, your very own library of your energy and character.

If birth information is not correct when you receive your report, we will replace your order at no charge. Email

Merlin Natal Horoscope Report by Gina Ronco and Agnes Nightingale + PAST LIFE Report, by Terri Rhodes BOTH $15.00 Emailed to you as PDF


This birth chart interpretation gives you general characteristics, how you approach life and how you appear to others, the inner you: your real motivations, mental interests and abilities, emotions, moods, feelings and romance, drive and ambition: how you achieve your goals, growth and expansion: areas that you enjoy, areas that challenge you or are difficult for you, originality and imagination, areas where you are creative, unique, unstable or compulsive. Then it covers specific generational influences for your age group: the subconscious and emotional drives, the ideals and illusions and what's new and different. 11-12 pages. Also includes a 6-7 page Karmic Report on past life influences. Specify birth date, time and place.

11-12 pages. Please remember at checkout to specify gender, birth date, time and place.


Karmic Past Life Report by Terri Rhodes $5.00 Emailed to you as PDF


Excellent although brief past life report. Tells you about your Saturn aspects karma, Jupiter aspects karma and retrograde planets.

5-6 pages. Please remember at checkout to specify birth date, time and place.

Edgar Cayce Karmic Past Life Report $10. Emailed to you as PDF


This analysis of the birth chart is based on Ry Redd's study of the Edgar Cayce readings. The language of this report is in Cayce tradition: very esoteric and inspiring.

5-6 pages. Please remember at checkout to specify birth date, time and place.

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